Monday, July 30, 2012

What is life?

My Life is beautiful! Is what I always answer when somebody ask me that question.  I own it, I am responsible for it and I create my own “great” life. You see having a “great life” varies from person to person. What is great for me may not be great for others. But I believe that having a great life also depends on people’s perception of their reality. If one is not happy with ones outcome in life then better think better thoughts and commit to achieving life’s desires.
I love what Robin Sharma said, “Success, world-class health, internal fulfillment and sustained happiness don’t just happen. These elements of your best life are created. How many of us have our own definition of success? Success for me is a full expression of oneself that would lead to my own joy, fulfillment and contentment and that makes ones life very full. Let me put it on layman’s term, when you follow your own passion in life especially in finding the right job and activities that is in line with your hearts desire, it automatically brings me joy, fulfillment and sustained happiness. I love on working on my total well-being, the 4 key areas of life! HEALTH, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS and SPIRITUALITY.  In each area I have a goal and with the fulfillment of these areas makes me happy and fulfilled. For me this is very important because this brings me joy and balance in my life. That is why when people ask me why are you always happy? It’s because I work on all these areas in order and that is what I call total well -being.
When I work on my health, I eat mostly vegetarian foods. I eat at least once a week of meat because sometimes most vegetarians give up there practice after a certain period of time because they get tired of it as well so a little bit of meat once a week would make me not miss eating fried chicken or some steak or fish for that matter. I also enjoy doing some yoga every now and then when I get the time off and playing and learning new sports particularly golf and football which when played makes me forget about the time spent on doing these stuff and burning loads of calories at the same time. So it keeps me fit and healthy and relives stress.
On the wealth area believe it or not my favorite topic of all is making money. I love making money out of thin air. I love my job as flight attendant and I love attending seminars and learning the art of making multiple streams of income. Why is that? Because I want to enjoy the best things in life although as they say the best things in life are free, the best material things on earth are not free though. I want to be able to provide for my loved ones and for myself the best things and the best experience in life and having “money” which maybe a taboo subject for some plays a big part in happiness so I would like to be rich in this area. Money is just means to an End not the end goal. 
What about Relationships? You know I love the description of our purpose here on earth by the great Dr Wayne Dyer. He said that our ultimate purpose on this earth is to love and be loved. Having great relationships with our family, friends and our partner in life makes our life “great”. It adds meaning and color into our life. One of my goals about the relationship area is to have some “quality” time with my loved ones. It’s like a date night with each and every one of them. Why is that? Because quantity is no longer possible these days because of my job as flight attendant where I am always in and out of the country and that goes with any other job as well where “quality” is more important than quantity nowadays. How many of you know a person who is with you physically present but mentally absent?! So in my opinion quality is more important. Once you are with me, my 100 percent attention is all on you.
Being rich spiritually makes us love more of the people around us. Being spiritual makes us more kind and makes us connect with our higher selves and with God. Being rich in this area fills our lives with wisdom that lead us to a more enriching and fulfilling lives.
How many of you are lacking in one of these four areas? Maybe that is one of the reasons why you are unhappy. For me being successful is being happy and fulfilled because it only means that all of these areas are being realized.  Like I always say life is so beautiful if we just only know how to truly live

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