Sunday, November 18, 2012


How do you define Ordinary from Extra Ordinary

Its easy, just like in a pool of plain chocolate cake, when one has put some fruits on top of one of those cakes and add some extra raspberry sauce, it stands out from all the rest because it has something “extra” which makes all the difference.

Same with people, we have those in our lives that just stand out from the crowd.  Those that even in their own little ways makes them “extra ordinary” among the pool of ordinaries. We all want to rise above mediocrity.

I believe that it’s the habits that we form in our day-to-day lives that make us move from ordinary to extra ordinary. You don’t have to be a celebrity or be part of the Forbes rich and famous to stand up from the norm in people’s lives.  Even among our friends and families, each has its own unique stories to tell that even in their own little ways the love that they impart to us makes them extra ordinary in our eyes.

Read up my definitions of extra ordinary that I have related with the people in my life.

Mark and Marius

“The only worthwhile achievements of men are those which are socially useful. And those who really matter are those who creates social impact”.

I am so proud to have been connected and have been associated to them in some ways. Mark and 

Marius together with Eva started their own school for the poor kids in Bangladesh Dhaka and have 

been contributing 10 percent of their salary every month. For more than 2 years now, more than 200 

Bangladeshi children have been benefitting from the free education that they have been offering in their 

schools. What separates Mark and Marius among that pool of “ordinary” employees like us? It’s their 

focus on contribution in this world makes such a big difference, and those “extra” things that they do 

make them stand out from the rest. What makes me proud of their efforts that led me to admire them 

more is choosing to help the poor kids in Dhaka because it broke barriers beyond their culture and race.  

As you now know Mark and Marius are from different countries, one from Canada and one from 

Romania. When all of us just want to focus and help those of our own nationality, Mark and Marius 

taught me to go beyond that and reminded me that giving love should not be limited.  

And that made them extra ordinary in my eyes.

My brother

            “Ordinary people when they are down, they just stay down. They just don’t know how to bounce and get back up”.

Not all people can bounce back when they are down that’s why I admire the story of my brother, who used to work in Proctor and Gamble and was raising a family of his own when a professional difference happened and he decided to leave the company he is working for. He didn’t just seat in his laurels and died on self pity (thanks to his super high self- esteem.haha) but he teamed up with his wife and put up several businesses which kept them afloat. Now that he found a new job, he and his wife are making the businesses that they put up and his employment work. 

What makes him rise up from the average? I’ve seen him fail many many many many times.. Ok maybe I am exaggerating; lets just put 1 many times, but in spite of his failures, his fighting spirit never waivers that he just keeps getting back up when he falls down and try again.

 He didn’t let his family hungry in spite of his failures. Those “extra” efforts makes him stands out from the rest like the famous line used to say “success is not measured by how high we go up in life, but how many times we bounce back when we fall down”.

My Golf Instructor Mattias

“The entrepreneurial spirit of a person makes him stand out from the rest, because they just know how to CREATE from nothing to something”

Mattias used to be a flight attendant when he decided to become a full time Golf instructor. Yes he works hard but he works smart as well. I’ve seen his struggles, from nothing to something, from borrowing cars to driving his own Volvo. 

He went into producing his own Golf apparels CALLOUS and is expanding his own sports clothing line together with his partner. 

He had a hunger for success. Many people might just associate it with pure luck, I see it as a guy who just works smart with the right strategy made him turn nothing into something and that makes him stand out from the rest. I admire his integrity to the people he works with as well. I really believe he would go far.


Extra Ordinary people seek self improvement while an ordinary person 
just keeps thinking, hoping and planning to do something but never actually do anything”

  Abby have went through several break ups but it’s this last boyfriend that really hit her hard and made her think of what she really wants in life. Just like any ordinary break ups of ordinary people, Abby did something “extra” that made her just stands out from the rest. 

Instead of jumping into a new relationship right away just to fill up her “aloneness and loneliness” she did a lot of self reflections plus self-improvements that led her to realize that she wanted to expand her talents. She went on her free time to study film in London, attended a lot of seminars and finally met someone there who makes her heart beat faster.

What makes her “extra ordinary” from the rest of those “ordinary” break ups that I know? 

She seeks self-improvement that led her to discover her purpose in life during the time of her pain and made things happen. Because ordinary people don't seek purpose in their in life and don't do anything when in PAIN, they just keep hoping, planning and whining but never actually do anything.



   “Extra ordinary people are naturally givers, while ordinary people just know how to take”

I am a privileged friend, daughter and sister (as they love to call me) to these 2 special friends of mine.

I find them extra ordinary because of their generosity to me and also to the people who are close to me. 

Yes they do spoil me rotten because I have never encountered such loving people who would surprise 

me with gifts even when there are no occasions at all. Even when it comes to their time they are 

generous. They would inconvenience themselves for our friends, our families and most especially for 

me. We need more people like them these days. In a world where people only think of themselves, Sara 

and Kenneth gave me better role models of being such givers. Their actions towards me became my 

good reminder of unconditional love, which makes me feel blessed to have them in my life.

Bo Sanchez

"Extra ordinary people are extremely humble inspite of their success in life"
Who doesn’t want to be like Bo Sanchez, besides being prosperous financially, most loved by his family and friends, has the most fans and tremendous health, he really worked on and is continuously working on his 3 areas of his life which are health, wealth and happiness.

 He is passionate at what he does and is obviously good at it with the amount of bestselling books he has, numerous businesses and Catholic churches that he is managing.

 But what makes him stand out from every body is that even how successful he is, no matter how fat his wallet is, he is the most loving and humble man I have ever met. Nothing compares by how he treats the people around him even his own driver calls him a living saint. 

No matter how tired he is you can still feel the love when you talk to him. This man is just full of love and life, which make him extra ordinary. With the amount of success he had attained, he continuous to be level headed which makes him stand out from the rest.  He loves to help everybody around him, which makes his existence very valuable, a life that is truly well lived and a gift to the world he continues to be an inspiration to many individuals like me.

I believe each person in our lives is unique and extra ordinary. We may see it or we may not see it yet 

because we haven’t explored yet every facet of other people’s lives. Each has special gifts from God 

that needs to be discovered that when honed becomes remarkable and extra ordinary

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