Saturday, August 18, 2012


I got sad news one afternoon while playing golf. My friend told me that my golf instructor got a job offer in Japan and is planning to leave in 5 months!

My Golf Instructor Matt Wetterholm
It hit me big time. Who would be my golf instructor then? Is this true?  I asked myself. Whom can I replace him then? Should I go back with my old golf instructor.. nahh
I better confirm the news to him before I react. I approached Matt and there you go the news is true. He might consider moving to Japan. Did all the discouragement of moving, and talking him on just staying here in UAE.

Am I being selfish? Yes! Even though the job offer might be greener on the other side, I don’t want my old dear friend to go. I want him to remain as my golf instructor forever! He became not just my golf instructor but also became my friend. He became part of my lifestyle that is very hard to let go. When I think back, I don’t want to have alternative or think I will find better golf instructor out there. The better for me is him.  And no matter what kind of imagination I use of thinking a better instructor will come, sadness will always creep in and I have realized that he is part of the irreplaceable people in my life now.  He already played a big part in my lifestyle.

I have learned to accept that people come and go, there is no such thing as “forever” in relationships because even us don’t live forever.  People change, some have short roles to play in our lives and some have longer roles to play. Like it or not, it maybe true but I do hope that the people I really do treasure in my life will stay and remain in my life until we both shall live.  Isn’t that romantic? Haha

I was having this conversation over dinner with my friend June the other day and he made me realize of my fear of letting people go. I get so attached to my dear loved ones emotionally that even though it is still not happening, I am already affected and feeling down at the moment. I told him of the “forever concept of relationship” that how I wish that the people I really do treasure remain in my life forever. He gave me a very interesting answer, that there is no such thing as forever in relationships, because “forever” doesn’t exist, people die, people change, which is as we all know that change is the only constant thing in this world and that our ability to adapt to change will make or break us. 

The law of the universe is like a vacuum

Here is an interesting point, have you ever experienced someone leaving your life and automatically somebody replaces that person without you consciously knowing it? When somebody leaves, somebody automatically comes; you cannot be left empty handed. I have experienced this first hand always because in my case when somebody leaves in my life before or right after that person leaves somebody already replaces him or her. Never left empty handed. My hands are always full with loving people.

This is a very interesting point that comforted me when I was talking to June. June by the way has been my friend for 3 years now. He is a member of my “mastermind group”. We don’t talk about our usual day-to-day lives. We love talking about the laws of life, not the typical religious or dogmatic kind of talk but we both talk on a spiritual level that only “special people” could understand. What I mean by special? Special in a sense that because we read the same books, we are always on the same page all the time>>>Got it?

It always helps to be inverse paranoid.

I’ve always been the opposite of a paranoid. I operate as if everyone is part of a plot to enhance my well-being- Stan dale Founder of Human awareness institute

When you come to think of it, this holds true. People do come and go in our lives. People do change and it all happens for a reason.  But its always nice to know the reasons why???

Christmas in California 1998 
Like why does my dad have to die with cancer?

Why do even cancer exist and not have much cure? or

Why are some people so petty?

Why do some people still choose to become poor?

Why why why?

But with seeking answers and self awareness and thinking to be inverse paranoid that we gain an understanding that people do come to our lives because it is destined to teach us some heroic lesson and when they leave for good it only means their role is already over, because if they stay longer we would have not grown. People who became part of our lives, no matter how painful their loss maybe honed us to become the person that God wants us to become.

Every negative event contains within it a seed of an equal or greater benefit- Napoleon hill
When I come to think of it, if my dad was still alive today, maybe I wouldn’t have outgrown myself of being a spoiled brat. Maybe that’s not what God wants me to be. If I have not changed friends, maybe I would still be very petty and would not have valued more of the other people around me. If not for my pains in life I would not have seek higher knowledge, higher spirituality and would not have not seek personal improvement.

Pain and joy is just part of life. Learning how to respond (not react) to what life throw at us, shapes us for the better or could be for worse depending on which path we want to choose. Because our deepest pain is our greatest drive to become better people, to move far greater to where we came from or could also lead us to our greatest destruction if we choose the lesser path.  Imagine if I reacted to my dad’s death in a negative way maybe I would still have the “entitlement” mentality and just choose to be dependent on him or worse be into drugs and not take full responsibility of my life or maybe I won’t be writing this blog anymore because I have nothing valuable to share in my life!   


It always feels so good to be spoiled by someone; by your parents, by your lovers, maybe spoiled by your friends or even get spoiled by your company that you work in. Being SPOILED is a good thing but turning into a BRAT is not. The “brat mentality” that all people hate because they think too proudly of themselves and see people around them as inferior because they think they have more and have this entitlement mentality, “the I deserve to be given this and that, are the people I avoid at all cost now. The “my parents are so rich mentality and so I am better than you” maybe cool when we are in high school, maybe still cute in College but can no longer be adoring when you reach your working years.

People should take full responsibility in their own lives when they reach a certain age at some point no matter which back ground we came from, we all have the power to create our lives the way we wanted to.

One person I really admire the most is my best friend and “soul” sister Sara. She’s 23 years old (turning 24 this year), not have any formal education like everyone else and learned from the school of hard knocks but has numerous businesses here in Abu Dhabi and Amman Jordan, and some real estate investments in Manila too. She didn’t inherit that from her parents neither she got it from someone else but she earned the money by herself. She puts her brother to college and helps her family at the same time. What is so special about her? At an early age of her life she already took full responsibility and already know the concept of making money. Even at her young age of 23 (she started younger than this take note), she has given jobs to several Filipino and Arabic people here in Abu Dhabi has already helped numerous charities and will continue to do so. Humble by nature, you will never hear her brag on what she does and what she has in her life. She’s very religious as well and been living responsibly alone in her home. I have learned humility and hard work from her.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with –Jim Rohn

When I say I am done with rich brats, doesn’t mean I despise my rich friends who may have rich parents. I have several friends of mine who do come from well to do families but are extremely humble and hardworking. And I do admire them for there humbleness because success doesn’t get into their head and they continually to be my friend until now.  

But what I do avoid at all cost are the “brats” because they won’t teach me any humility, any hardworking abilities because they have the entitlement mentality and for sure when I stay with them longer, a little worldly success would surely get into my head. And these are not an admirable trait of a person I want to become and be associated with. 

I’ve always wanted to become loving, humble, fun and adventurous and see each people as valuable not because for their social status or race or through their religious background but as a spiritual being that we are all one and connected with each other in some ways. There are no “betters” in this world. We are all ONE and each person just has a role to play in this world for us to learn as a whole.  

We all have a purpose in life that each of us has to fulfill that I learned from the Law of Dharma that determines our own destiny…

First is to discover our true self (that we are all spiritual beings or divinity in disguise created in the image and likeness of God)..

Second is that each of us has a unique talent/talents that we are here to discover and that we need to express. We are happy when we discover these talents and lose track of time.

Third is that we are here to serve our fellow human beings with our talent. We have to give back to our community with expression of our talents
When all these are fulfilled the universe is on our side.

So how can we express and discover ourselves when we are always in the shadow of our parents or even someone else? Take full responsibility of your life and seek individuality.


       My family are my friend and my friends are my families-Jennifer


Africa 2008
Africa 2008

 How I love my mom. She is my greatest friend and greatest fan of all. Some may call her a stage mom, my high school classmates even names her “lucky me, because she’s an instant mommy! haha  But when you come to think of it, she is my rock, the only person who will and will remain constant in my life. People do change, but the love of a mother or a parent to a child for that matter will never change in my opinion. They are truly irreplaceable in our lives.  We can change our friends; we can change our boyfriends, wife and husband or our job. But the unconditional love a parent gives to their children will never change.

My BROTHER and his family
                        Blood will always be thicker than water

My Birthday 2011

I’ve only got one brother and one nephew and one sister in law. They are my family; they will always be part of my blood. We may or may not get along all the time but we will always have that link. That link that will forever binds us no matter what. I remember when we were young and were still living in the same house, we had some disagreement that lasted for 6 months, but we always managed to make peace with each other. You cannot just easily drop or stay away from your family, because they’re from your bloodline.  The “I love my friends more drama” won’t last because you will always find your way back to your family.

                                                   TITA NETH 

My aunt how am I very fond of her. She’s always game fore everything, a very cool person inside and out. She is my favorite. Why? Because we have a lot of things in common, besides our undeniably good looks (ehem..humble) she is also very sociable like me. Whenever we go to a mall or some random party I always see her shaking hands or talking to someone like some sort of a politician. Whenever she has a party at home, there is always a battalion of people coming to that party. 90 percent of them we don’t know! Setting some jokes aside, I love how she loves. She is very unconditional. She has always been part of my life, and is always is through thick and thin.

                                       MY SOUL SISTER SARA 

 How I adore my sissybella as I fondly call her. She’s my ever-dependable friend here in Abu Dhabi. No matter how busy she is, I just make that one call..I make that one call and she would drop and leave her work in the office just to give me that extra key that she has in my flat that I accidentally left inside my house.  Yes I got locked out! There were several times that this happened and there are times when she was just so busy that she has no choice but to ask one of her staff to give it to me, but most of the time she does it herself. She’s the type of person that I can have an intelligent talk with and have some dose of non-sense conversation at the same time depends on our mood. If I am just in the mood for a debate, I will just call her and drop some religious dogma that I know she won’t agree with and we would debate about it for hours on the phone. We learn how to agree to disagree. I respect her so much and love her so dearly. I love what she always tells me, I have always loved you just the way you are, in which my feeling is always mutual towards her. 


Sexy instructor

At the start of this blog, my storyline was about him so I couldn’t expound that much further on how important he is in my life. He became not just a simple, typical average golf instructor but also became an extra ordinary friend. He never fails to make me laugh with all his crazy antics’ and his character as a person always reminds me to be upfront, honest and real at the same time. I have learned to love golf MORE through him, an extra ordinary golfer/instructor and a perfectionist by nature. He made me become not just a PRO-golfer in the process. ;p I’m kidding, but a forever student of golf.


                    “ We both live like we will die tom and dream like we will live forever”
     A lawyer and my life coach, my truly irreplaceable friend that helped me find my purpose and rearranged my goals. I didn’t know that a highly educated guy like him would be one of the most humble and most open to new learning’s as he can be. He was never boastful and proud about the fancy “title in his name” just like my friend Jun. He is a very good listener and I always learn great insights from him. His positivity and calmness in nature rubs off on me that I would want to be around his company for a long period of time. He knows all my goals and aspirations in life and cheers for me head on for it. Never hesitates to share his knowledge in everything. From his way of thinking now, I know that he would go far. He is truly the Robin Sharma of the Philippines

                                             JUN DANGOY

An Etihad pilot by profession, he has taught me to see through more of people and live through and appreciate more of their character rather than their fancy title in the role that they play in their profession.
There must be something about Jun that make both of us click for 3 years now. We are both weird! We are weird in our conversations about life, from quantum science, to the law of relativity to conversations with God, we both click on a spiritual level. I love seeking advices from him and his advises always gives me a better understanding of things. We are both student of life and we both learn from each other. His solution-oriented advices plus our “weird” conversations about the law of the universe makes me appreciate him more. He is my great source of knowledge and a great believer of consciousness thinking just like my friend TATO Malay.


 We all need some fresh air every now and then to breathe some new air and gain new perspective because life in itself can become too toxic”

You will hear me quoting much from my mastermind groupy. I call them my mastermind group or you can just simply call them my “fresh air”. The people who are filled with positivity, who are nourishing in nature and very uplifting and at the same time are the same group of people who believes in me, encourages me to go after my dreams and have applauded my victories. These are my special group of people who are both dreamers and achievers. The people who have chosen the road less traveled and have gained tremendous wisdom along the way. They both possess the qualities of an optimist and an opportunist. My protection and shield from the “AINT IT AWFUL CLUB” (naysayer/cynics) that we encounter in our day-to-day lives.  Believe me they can be everywhere.

There are 2 types of people- anchors and motors. You want to lose the anchors and get with the motors because the motors are going somewhere and they’re having more fun. The anchors will just drag you down. –Wyland, world-renowned marine artist

                             Dogs are mans' best friend and so is my baby boy pickles...

College friends/ Etihad and Non-Etihad Friends

I will always have fond memories in college., My life started in college. I learned to drink, party, good times, bad times, dream, study and travel with friends all at the same time.  Some say high school but my life started in College. The friends that I have gained in Assumption are the same people I would love to keep for life. Truly unconditional and well bred. I love how they have given me a surprise going away party before I leave the Philippines and change base to Abu Dhabi. I believe that all the experiences I have gained in College have honed me to become the person I wanted to become.

There are 2 fond memories I currently have in my life now. One when I chose to study in ASSUMPTION and the other is when I chose to work in ETIHAD AIRWAYS and still loving every moment of it.

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