Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Very Happy Birthday



just recently celebrated my birthday and I just proudly turned 28. I love celebrating it every year and even other people’s birthday as well just for the simple reason that it is my celebration of life! It’s another milestone and my way of thanking God for the gift of another year and for the wonderful people who have become part of it. Its not like I am dying or anything but I don’t want to forget to be thankful every year for this milestone.  Some people just realized the importance of their life when they get struck by some deadly disease or when they reach some old age, like when they reach the age of 81, 82, 83 etc like its a count down to their death that it may be their last. I would like to change this perception and enjoy each birthday even while I am young, healthy and strong and enjoy it with my loved ones for as long as I can.

I realized that every year I always have a different kind of celebration, some birthdays of mine where I desire to be grand, some days where I just want it to keep it simple and intimate with my close friends and family depends on what kind of celebration I feel like doing. But every year is no better than the other because every year is different. I don’t like to compare this year to last year or even the year after. Comparing is just the root of happiness and Unhappiness. Everything is just is until we start comparing it. I’d like to think that everything just keeps getting better and better because every year is different and special and has its own purpose.


AUG birthday 2009

No MJ you cant touch my cake..LOL

AUG 2010 birthday with Pickles
AUG 2011
AUG 2012-After all these years sexy and good-looking pa din..LOL Joke

I always choose to have a “happy” birthday. I always plan something for myself even if at times I may not feel like it. I always plan a party where I can invite and celebrate with the people who are dear to me, laugh and share a meal together while opening their wonderful gifts. I am not expecting any material gift to be honest but just the mere fact of them giving me their friendship and time on my birthday is already much appreciated. The material gift is just a bonus from them. 

This year even if I really didn’t feel like having a party, I just decided last minute to just celebrate even when I don’t feel like it. When I made the conscious effort to celebrate, my happiness just followed because I made the right decision to be and celebrate with close friends and family who are very dear to me, and it became a very memorable and intimate celebration. The right decisions for me only means a true expression of oneself. In my case, I really love throwing parties during my birthday, and I always have fun in the proces because it’s an expression of me. I love get-togethers and this makes me happy. No outside force (friends, family) is telling me or ordering me to do so.

For some it may not be the case, some may like to travel on their birthday, while some would rather keep it low and quiet that’s okay too as long as whatever you do is the true expression of you then happiness will just follow.


When I come to think of it, not all of the people who greeted me last year, greeted me this year. Every year is different. It’s just a matter of perspective, whichever way we want to see it. Would I really want to see and focus my attention with those 5 people who didn’t greet me on my special day and make them ruin my day or be happy and grateful to those 150 people who remembered and made me feel special during my birthday? Which one would you choose?

 wherever your attention goes, your energy flows

 I always choose happiness and appreciation to the people who are with me right now.  Being grateful for the things I have now is always where happiness is coming from. Having those X-ray vision eyes makes me not miss any person in my life and also the opportunities and gifts that they offer in the present moment that can be the blue print of my future .

 “Reality is whatever you identify with”-Deepak Chopra

Grandma sometimes go clubbing with friends @ Prive
Do i really have to include this? Of course my fav berks TOni is in this pic kasi..LOL


Sometimes I ask myself why do I value celebrating my birthday so much and even for my loved ones? Because it’s the only time I see how much we are valued and loved by the people around us. I know, I know you will tell me we should value each other every single day but to MOST people, it serves as a reminder, a great timing to be remembered. It’s a great way to make someone feel EXTRA special. And it makes us see the people in our lives who are still in our present moment. Look around you and see who are still there. These are the people who are now part of our lives and has chosen to build a relationship with. On these special occasions can also be a time to know and see the people who are very thoughtful, sweet and uberly generous that can be a reflection of us as well. Why did I say the people around us are a reflection of ourselves in some ways?


I would be lying to you if I say I don’t enjoy receiving gifts from my dear family and friends. Whether how small or big it is, it is always the thought that counts! I love their “surprise” presents. Some are expected and some are not but either way I am just like any other kid who enjoys opening presents that are unknown. Hmmm what’s in that box given by my sister!

I love the saying we only get what we deserve. The universe is our mirror. I really do get a feeling that the gift we usually receive from people (whether it be their undivided time for us or their monetary gifts) are a reflection of how we have committed our lives to them in some ways whether it be in a form of cash or use value. Maybe for me I have done something right in my life that made me “deserve” them. =)

Beautiful Card by Abby AUG 2012


  1. Once again, its a wonderfully written article and putting in all those pictures and captions is all worth the effort. Here's a cheers to you and for the many more birthdays to come! As we age our personality becomes embedded in our faces more and I think you will always have this sunny aura because of your thinking. :) Till you come back! Enjoy your trips and do share your stories!

  2. Thank you Enriquheun for your inspiring comment =)
