Monday, September 24, 2012


Sometimes I wonder why I connect and get along with men who are a lot older than me?

Aged 40 and above

Noo Mattias Wetterholm and Mr Winker cannot be that OLD! They just LOOK old LOL :P (im kidding guwapo!)

I was having a beautiful and fun coffee date with my girlfriends one afternoon. One friend of mine suddenly blurted out to me “Jen why are you always hanging out with older men? What they mean by older men are not between the age of 30-35 y/o but the age of 40’s above. 

My girlfriend said that’s why you’re ageing so fast eh because you keep hanging out with these people! (comes with a laugh)

I admit that I do enjoy the company of older men, that most of the time in my ways people think I am becoming old as well…
But I disagree to the part where hanging out with older men or even women for that matter makes me old, but it just makes me WISER in life. Why? 


I recently been close to Kenneth my Chinese dad as I fondly call him. He is a perfect gentleman. He loves spoiling people and is naturally very sweet and caring. I met him through my sister Sara because he was one of her clients in real estate, and we hit it off after that.

An engineer by profession, he is very intelligent by nature. He studied in the US and is naturally a great communicator. I usually consult and get inspiration from him in my writing and I love talking to him about money, love, life, religion and spirituality and we love to challenge each other’s thinking as well. 

We are both lover of foods and we enjoy having stimulating and mind buggling conversations over lunch and dinner. He loves filling me up with his inspirational wisdoms in life. Whenever I present a concept with him he usually says been there, done that. I am definitely learning a lot from him all the time.

The reason why I love hanging out with older men is because they are the perfect type of people whom can give you advices through their life experiences and would give us a better perspective to things which also comes with the maturity of their thinking, age and through the outcome of their life.  
Whether it is advices on career, love and life, I do treasure the wisdom that they impart in me.

“The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you are learning you’re not old – Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, nobel prize winning medical physicist”

 Sometimes I think God must have loved me so much that even though he has taken away my biological dad when I was 18, he gave me not just one but two dad’s who can guide me in my daily endeavors in life.

Accompanying me in my public speaking class

Call me grandma all you want but this is just who I am NOW…

I enjoy especially nowadays having great conversations over coffee VS having alcoholic drinks, 
sports activities VS going clubbing, 
great food plus stimulating conversation with friends VS shopping, 
Having productive time learning new skills VS spending time carelessly, 
buying books VS Buying fashionables clothes (yikes) and sleeping early VS staying up late.

And yes being more of a grandma by preferring to have quiet moments sometimes writing and reading inspiring books VS sightseeing whenever I travel. Am I boring?! maybe for some but not to all.


I have the coolest friends whom I can have the craziest time with plus have non-sense conversations that will make us laugh real hard and makes us fall off our seats but at the same time I have very good people as well where I can have intelligent conversations with and philosophical talks about life in general.

I don't know why JJ is in this picture, she is not even part of BERKS! bwahaha

I don't know why they are covering God's beautiful creation! LOL
If a person really loves you, they would adjust and meet you halfway on whatever pursuits you want in life and that goes the other way around as well…

That’s where I am very proud of my friends here in Abu Dhabi, besides that they know me of not enjoying clubbing anymore as much as I used to and prefers having quiet moments and conversations in coffee shops, having philosophical talks or attending workshops, they still accept me and support me all the way.  They adjust to be able to bond with me and that goes the other way around as well. I go to occasional parties or accompany them shopping especially when I know that it means a lot for them. 

My girlfriends even watch me in my football tournaments and cheers for me (at least that's what I think that they cheer for me LOL). Even in my public speaking workshops they come to watch and support me as well.  


“I will spoil you rotten”

Being spoiled is good thing but becoming a brat is not, is my basic principle in life.

I asked Kenneth one time how can I ever repay him with all his good deeds. He said your time and attention is already what you give me.  Sometimes he said you have to graciously RECEIVE from people as much as how you graciously GIVE.

Let people express and allow themselves to GIVE and SHARE to you something which maybe in a form of their time or material gifts or help, because in that way you let them experience the joy of giving and sharing.

One of the touching moments that I remember having the privilege of having a loyal friend with you no matter what age they may be is when Jun insisted on bringing me his homemade coffee at my place because he knows that COFFEE is one of my comfort drinks especially when I am not up to Par at times (we all have our feeling down moments)

One of my favorite lines from my friend Jun is “I will never break your trust as a friend because you are the type of person that I would like to keep till we both shall live”. This brings me to tears. *sniff sniff


  1. Kenneth, the chinese dad... hahaha
    I am humbled by what was written. I always tell Jen, "I am just a stupid old man... no wisdom up here." God has given me another wonderful daughter, NOT from my loins, but from my HEART. A daughter not by chance, but by CHOICE. That is why I try to spoil her rotten just like my other daughters. One day, when she gets married, I will tell the man of her choice, "Take care of her, don't break her heart, she is my daughter, I am watching."

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very well said TM Jen!
    Have you ever worn old man socks? Those socks are soft, form-fitting and made to be worn comfortably for long periods of time. The fact that dress socks don’t look right with your golf shoes and football plaid shorts is barely an afterthought in relation to the priorities of comfort and practicality. Most of us likely understand the value of comfort, such as the little pleasures found in wearing a t-shirt and an old pair of jeans or staying in your flannel pajamas and slippers all day. A certain attitude or life perspective that goes beyond material pleasure can be found underneath these old man socks. Just like an old wine is much sweeter than a new one…
    Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.
