Tuesday, December 18, 2012


December is the last month of the year, Christmas season is already here and I am on the plane right now for my days off to spend time with my family and my dear friends. It is funny everybody seems to be feeling the Christmas season already EXCEPT ME because the place where I live doesn’t celebrate Christmas as it is a Muslim country. 

Don't think I am bitter here nor am I sour grapping. Being far away from home and having the job as a flight attendant where having no holidays is already expected. I have been lucky though for going home every now and then particularly every month to my family.

Since December 2012 for me entails no Christmas Celebration and my first bitter New Year celebration is where I am scheduled to work, it made me ponder what really is the true essence of Christmas and New Year and that even though I wont be home for Christmas drama is just around the corner, I would like to feel the Christmas and New Year season too in many ways than none.

Everyday can be Christmas and NO I don’t have plans of playing those lonely “I wont be home for Christmas songs” but I will make my whole month of December a truly memorable and fun one.  
NO I don’t envy little girls standing in front of a Christmas tree wearing a princess headband.
I have learned through the years that we are responsible with our lives and that we are thus creators of our own happiness and experiences. So don’t expect me crying around the corner because Mr. Santa Crew Control (which is responsible for our Schedules every month) didn’t give me my usual holiday this year.

So I have made my own list to feel the essence of Christmas and New Year and what I am going to do this month to truly feel it.

1. Christmas is about family and friends get together

    - I am going home 3x this month to manila to have some reunion time with my close family and friends to celebrate this fun occasion. There would be plenty of laugh, love, eat Christmas foods and basically catch up on each other’s lives while sharing a meal together.

  2. Give out thoughtful Christmas letters/cards 

    -We have to make use of those fancy Christmas cards that we see in each stores which only comes once a year and use it to send some love for our dear loved   ones


 3. Christmas is also about Gift giving

      -It is the second occasion of the year where there is a great reason to give gifts to   our families and close friends other than their birthdays.

4. Christmas is about savoring and enjoying the Christmas coffees that are only  available this time of year.

- How I love the Christmas drinks that they offer in coffee shops, especially during wintertime. Anything that has “peppermint” or “eggnog” along with the drink is a must try for me

5. Christmas is a time for shopping

- I am not really fond of shopping, but celebrating Christmas is a time for me to go to the mall and buy whatever that I want because they have more good deals and SALES during Christmas

6. Christmas is a time to learn how to ski

- I really want to feel it’s Christmas that is why on my wish list, I really want to learn how to Ski. I am going Ski Dubai even if it is just an artificial snow; it is good enough for me to know the basics.

  7. Party like a rock star to Celebrate New year

- I am really not a big fan of partying, but I definitely don’t mind doing it for the New Year. I will be working on New Years Eve and having an attitude of been there done because of my early New Years Eve celebration. That would be a great feeling for me.

       8. Time to make some New Year resolution/goals for 2013

- Some don’t take this seriously, but I do. Setting some realistic and measurable goals keep me not astray in my day-to-day activities. Something to be worth doing before the year ends

        9. Perfect time to give to your favorite Charity

- Let us share some blessing folks with the less fortunate. Time to give back to the universe. Keep those blessings circulating. Make your life matter everyday of the year!

        10. Time to forgive and reconcile with whomever we had rift 

- Who would want to start the New Year with a heavy baggage along? Do yourself a favor and let go of the negative feeling and worries because we only want positive energy for the New Year. It’s time to let go of the pains, to just forgive and forget. What could be a perfect way to phone a dear loved one that went astray to greet them for the holidays and see how they are. You’ll definitely feel lighter and happier which is the most important feeling of all.

         11. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ
         - And last but not the least let’s not forget why we are having this celebration   after all. It is not just the gifts nor the fancy foods we eat all along but it is our celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and that let us not forget to give praise and be thankful to him for all our blessings that we got this year. 


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