Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Why do bad things happen to good people?

This is a common saying when things don't go our way or as planned.

Just like in the game of archery, we all want to hit a bullseye.

Anything could go wrong in our finances, our health, in our relationships and our spiritual life.

But what if things don't really go our way?

Do we just feel sad and be on self pity?

Maybe even blame God? or do we just accept that it may not be for us ?

Just a month ago, everything just didn't seem to go as planned. Business was low, my health was suffering because I always feel tired and sickly (maybe because of stress!) and I was not 100percent happy in my relationships as I would be away with my loved ones on Christmas and New Year's Day and a rift with a good friend was just in front of me.

All my friends and family as well seems to have many plans for the holidays except me because I am the only one who is left behind working during the holiday season.

I am a great believer of cause and effect, sowing and reaping but have I sown anything bad in my life to deserve this?
When things don't go our way it is really hard to stay positive. It is like our minds are programmed to be negative most especially when our minds are filled with worry, fear and doubt.
This is the time when you need positive and good people around you.

But what did I do to shake off these negative feelings of mine? The number one rule of law of attraction is to always think of good thoughts but how do we do so when we are feeling down and out? I would like to share these tools to you that helped me shake off negative thoughts and feelings.

1. I jog or take long walks with good music- not only does exercise is good for your body because it releases happy hormones, also adding a good relaxing music takes my stress away, boost my mood and also shifts my thinking from negative to a positive one. Just right after my jog, which I love doing in the morning, leaves me feeling refreshed and good for the whole day which helps me emit the positive vibes to attract more good things along my way.

2. Talk to inspiring and loving people - New Year's Eve is such a big celebration for my family and we have this tradition that we all have to be together for New Year's Eve. There are always plenty of fireworks and foods in our house but this year is different because I suddenly have work on New Year's Eve and I have no choice but to skip the celebration. I am so glad that I have Maus with me, that even though we were not together physically, she was messaging me via txt every hour reassuring me that I am not alone and that we will have our own celebration too when I come home to manila the next day. So my loneliness has turned into excitement because I am expecting something fun after the storm.

Our perspective always change when we have someone who encourages us and helps us shift our thinking from negative to positive.

Obviously it doesn't serve us to think negatively, bemoan the past, or comfort ourselves by wallowing in sad memories. So it's better to seek comfort in the company of good and comforting people who are the mood lifters in our lives.

3. Read inspiring book - my books are my greatest investment of all because it always widens my horizon and way of thinking.  It also gives me a better perspective in life on how the universe works and also stimulates my mind for new ideas on living a good life.

4. Write the things that you want to happen in your life - it's good to reflect and write down the things that you really want to happen in your life in your finances, in your health, relationship and spiritual life because not knowing what you want is like riding a car but not knowing your destination. Be clear and focused on the areas of your life that you want to improve on, keep reading and reflecting on it day and night, you will suddenly see your life transform because unconsciously all the steps you will take would be towards your goals

5. Keep sowing seeds of kindness and love- it so easy to be short with people when you are not in the mood, but what others don't realize is that when we hurt others, we hurt ourselves too. But when someone loves even when you don't feel like it, more love is generated in your life. Blessings will flow back to us in myriad ways.

I would like to share with you this quote about the universe from Mike Dooley which I have first hand experienced in real life:

"A little known secret concerning life in the jungles of time and space is that however far you reach, you will go further. However great your dreams, they will be grander. And however much you love, you will be loved much more."

We call it the law of increasing returns!

Love you much more,
The universe

6. Sleep on it - feelings of negativity, doubt and worry becomes worse when we lack sleep or when we are already exhausted at night. Most of the time big fights happen at night because we are less rational and our minds are already clouded with so many things during the day. So I believe our biggest decisions should be done in the morning, when our minds and our bodies are still fresh from a good sleep.

When we do our best each and everyday, God always fills in the rest always holds true in my experience. I am writing this now just in the final day of my great vacation with my family here in Manila. I am very happy and proud to say that all is well now in my life. I hope you can find your inner bliss too.

                                                I LOVE MY MODERN FAMILY

Family is love
Maus and my mom

my sister Sara from teddy bearland
With Tina and Maus

Don't be fooled by the little girl in the middle she is already 18 y/o

                                   THERE SHOULD ALWAYS BE TIME FOR EXERCISE

Our yearly golf bonding with Tita Cora and Tito James

It is always fun bonding with dups

 My prayers for all is that may we all have a remarkable and prosperous 2013!!

 See you all on my next blog!


  1. Agreed. It is our decision to choose HAPPINESS!! Life keeps getting better. Have a Happy 2013 to us. All the best. Love the pictures and thank you for the mentions!:-)

  2. Very nicely put and really interestingersonal views about life. I wish I am as philosophical about life as you are. You find meaning in everything and seem to be living life to the fullest. Here's to you and happiness! JJ Javier

  3. thank u dupdup and thank u sir joe. :) I'm so flattered by your comments sir joe. :)
