Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I am currently here in Bangkok now enjoying a good 24- hour layover. I must admit I am suffering from a minor flu partly because I have not been resting properly this past few days. So I decided to write a blog about health this time.

I love to work. I was telling this to my mom the other day, that I really enjoy working. Some people prefer to study but for me I prefer working. Why not? I get to earn my own money; I get to express my innate talent (which is singing and dancing haha) and you slowly discover yourself more and use your God given skills to help and share with others. Our job should be an expression of our self. For me I love and enjoy talking and working with different kinds of people and nationalities, going to different places and have a non-routine time at work and day.  Yes I love adapting to change and it fits my personality. Some people are not the same as me that is why they choose different fields for different type of jobs. For me as long as you’re happy and money is not just your sole reason for doing it, you’ll excel at what you do.

Don't chase for money, money will just follow if you just love what you do.

But we can’t be all work and no play. I believe our bodies and our minds can deteriorate when we don’t give some balance in our lives because we are not made for prolonged stress.

Our environment is full of germs and the only way to avoid sickness is to strengthen our immune system. You can wash your hands thoroughly all you want, even put alcogel on top of that before we eat our meals but you can still get sick if you don’t take care of your immune system.

There are many factors that weaken our immune system.  These can be physical, emotional and spiritual.

“I see rejection in my skin, worry in my cancers, bitterness and hate in my aching joints. I failed to take care of my mind, and so my body now goes to the hospital”. –Astrid Alauda

How do we open ourselves to sickness? Here is a partial list I learned from bro. Bo Sanchez:

-       Unaccepted feelings
-       Unacknowledged anger
-       Resentments
-       Constant worry
-       Crippling fear
-       Depression
-       Low self worth
-       Deep shame
-       Toxic stress
-       Negative disposition
-       Loneliness
-       Guilt
-       Overwork
-       Toxic eating
-       Toxic environment
-       Vices
-       Immorality


Yes our negative emotions give us sickness because it weakens our immune system. Our minds have great influence in our bodies. Whenever we are always angry, controlling, aggressive, stressed and worried different kinds of diseases pops up in us. It can be shown in our skin (allergies), in different organs in our bodies (Cancer, heart diseases etc) and in our brains. (tumors).

Usually we don’t face our negative emotions. We distract ourselves from our fears, anger, sadness, that can lead to depression. If we don’t face these emotions then that is the time it comes out in our bodies that becomes respiratory problems, ulcers, headaches, skin allergies, digestive problems and cancer.

So what is the cure for these negative emotions?

Feel your negative emotions. Don’t deny or escape from it, like what some people go through to escape from their pains/sadness, they go through drugs, alcohol sex, shopping or workaholism.

We have to express it. Be careful not to express it to others though, as it might have negative effect in your relationship. I suggest we pray, weep and be angry alone in a room or write down your worries about anything that is bothering you in a journal and you will see it go away. Journaling is very effective. You will heal yourself naturally.

Try doing these things and you will see that all-negative emotions come to pass because all storms come to an end, and you will start thinking clearly and logically again.


We know this already. Whenever we face problems our friends or our families always tells us to be positive. But we tend to sometimes slip away and be more comfortable being a pessimist. A lot of scientific studies have shown that an optimist person lives longer than the pessimist one.

People who live until the age of 90-100 have one thing in common; they laugh a lot and have more positive outlook in life. 

So what’s our 2nd cure to beat our negative emotion?  Have mega doses of laughter and take lots of vitamin C . If you don’t have funny friends, watch funny movies or talk to inspiring people. These are just a few of the many ways to uplift our self and make our bodies healthy emotionally.

"Be with friends that don't add stress into your life"


-Open up more
-Touch more
-Serve more
-Accept more
(I will focus more of these on my next blog)


I eat more fruits and vegetables now more than ever. I eat preferably local fruits and vegetables because they are more organic than many.

I follow the diet taught by Bo Sanchez, every morning I make 28 pcs of calamansi or 2-3 slices of lemon in the morning, squeezed without water because this makes our bodies alkaline. (Germs can’t live in alkaline and so as cancer cells.) 
I wait for another 1 hour then eat 5 different kinds of fruits, wait 1 hour again then drink my usual water or coffee if I may.

I am semi vegetarian now, I eat fish and some seafoods occasionally but I already avoid chicken, beef and pork.

I am actually going start a new diet where I will eat more raw vegetables for lunch and dinner.  I will avoid processed foods and dairy products but I will have one cheat day every week where I can eat all the foods that I want.

Why am I doing this? I am investing in what I eat now, starting a habit of putting in the right foods for my body while I am young because I don’t want to suffer when I reach old age. Most diseases that we get when we are old are because of the bad habits that we incurred when we were young.  It’s like having a credit card, enjoy now, and pay later.

I also avoid drinking medicines because all the medicines that we take even for a simple headache cough or flu have an impact in our liver and kidneys.
I follow this saying “Let food be our medicine. Let medicine be our food”.

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit”. –B.K.S. Iyengar


Yes back to my layover here in Bangkok. I just had a 2 hour thai massage in my room and sipping my freshly squeezed orange juice. I chose not to drink any medicine but just load up on natural vitamin C found in my fresh orange juice. I will just let my body heal itself.  Flu is just a sign in my body to rest and take it easy for the whole day.

See you all on my next blog!

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