Tuesday, February 26, 2013



An old neo print picture found in my drawer

I just came home from a super fun flight. When I mean fun is not because I had “fun” in this particular destination as I have been there many times, but it means I had fun in the flight. Fun for me at work is whenever I get along so well with the whole crew on the flight (we are 14 cabin crew plus pilot in the whole airplane) that I feel we are all best friends already, jiving with each others interest, taking each others cellphone numbers for a promise that we would see each other again for coffee to talk about anything under the sun. (this is how friendship starts right?)

When I got home sipping on my almond milk peanut butter coffee (my unique coffee creation that I only make for my guest at home here in abu dhabi), I stumbled upon this old picture of mine with my dupdup maus. (Yes we love to take pictures of our faces together and printing it thus creates memories.)

Yes we love big and shiny headbands in the past.HAHA!

A lot of things already have changed and will continue to change. Our hairstyle change, our bodies change, our skin change, our families change, our dog change, our habits change, even our own personal choices in life change. I had this thought in my head, while I was keeping myself awake for my night flight tomorrow. What if we all had the power to overcome change? What If we can make our life like those printed pictures in our family albums and make all good things last FOREVER!! 

Maybe we can make our faces look young FOREVER! Make our relationships always  happy and strong FOREVER. Or maybe in the picture we got our health and our wealth working very well altogether FOREVER.

If I can make everything still in my life, I will make all the good things stand still and let change takes its course over the bad.

Do you have some weird imaginations? Like if I had the power to overcome change. What would it be? These are all what I have thought of:

If I can make change to not get in the way, I would still be home to my mama’s house as much as I can to have that fun bonding with her again and enjoy her home cooked meal and just get used to my mothers love and care, I call it a mothers healing touch.

If I can make change not get in the way, I would stop all the wrinkles in my mothers face and make her face and her age go backwards

If I can make change not get in the way, I would still spend long hours with my bestfriend maus like we have our own world to talk anything under the sun as there are no secrets between us.

If I can make change not get in the way, I would keep close to me my dupdup maus and not let anything nor everything keep us apart

If I can make change not get in the way, I would like to still go home more often to Manila 5x in a month to be with my family.haha

If I can make change not get in the way, I would like to always see my sister Sara prosperous, because I love her generosity and creativity in giving me surprise gifts..hahaha

If I can make change not get in the way I would repeat 2011 again and again because that is the time when it was very rosy for the whole year in my life.

If I can make change not get in the way, I would take everywhere my favorite Dog Pickles close to me so I can see him grow not taller but cuter as I always see Gods perfect creation in his face

Well as the saying goes there is no such thing as forever because change is the only permanent thing in this world. But what we do have is the power to visualize and create pictures in our minds. Keep visualizing those picture perfect moments and things would manifest again and again, maybe in different form but with the same feeling again, which is JOY!


  1. Hello Jen! Nice reading the thoughts on this post. Sorry for the unexpected prying ;p Well, you posted it on FB naman, so there hehe :) I would like to have my own version of filling up the statement, "If I can make change not get in the way" too!

    And if I may say so, I can see how simple your mentality is (that's a good thing) - you value friendship, family, relationships, and HUGE doses of positivity! Like attracts like, so I just want to give you a pat on the back for making your day to day count! God bless! To happiness and fulfillment!

  2. Hey Bian! Thanks for the compliment. Yes make a blog about the statement "if I can make change not get in the way" I would love to read yours. :D
