Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Captain, do you always go out on your layover? I asked.
 Of course. the pilot said. I've been flying for 30 years now and I still go out every time. At least when I retire from flying I can say that I have been there and done that.
Why you didn't go out with us anyway?  Captain asked.
I said, well it is because there is nothing interesting for me to do in Kathmandu

The other pilot said, well at least come out for dinner and have someone to at least eat with you.

This the exact conversation I had with a pilot on my flight to Kathmandu.

I have been having some acne these past few months. Acne can be a cause of many factors but the doctors I have consulted with insist that it is more related to stress more than anything else. Maybe you should take it easy Jenny. I suggest you relax more, have a walk in the park, exercise more and talk more to your friends and family.

Taking my doctors advice and inspired by this Captains way of living, I made some experimentation on that matter.
I had a flight to South Africa for 3 days. Perfect time for me to unwind right? I cut the habit of sitting too much in my room alone and eating instant noodles while watching too much TV (that is what the crew accuse me of doing since this is a popular habit by a Filipino cabin crew.. Bad stereotyping tsk tsk). When in reality I do stay in my room too much order room service and read a good book. Only ONE out of THREE can be correct from people's assumptions.

But for my Acne's sake, before I did my South Africa flight I went clubbing with my friends. I know what is the big deal right? Well to my friends it is a big deal! because you see I have long cut this habit already for more than a year now, that is why I get an occasional tease from my friends by calling me "grandma" because I never accompanied them to the club. What??! (the usual reaction I get from my friends) Grandma wants to go clubbing, go dancing and drink alcohol instead of sitting around and drinking coffee? Well yes for my Acne's sake because I am trying to "unwind" these days.  Lets do things that we don't usually do.


Once I reach my hotel room in South Africa, it was never hard for me to exercise as it was already part of my routine. But this gym at Radisson Blu Platinum is so huge my eyes becomes big as well whenever I enter their gym. Yes I wish I can live in that gym. I wish I have the luxury to be there every month so I don't miss it too much


Third I ate beef and pork! Yikes I'm a certified fake Pescitarian. For your info those who are not familiar of what Pescitarian means its strictly eating fish and vegetables. Actually with fish I only limit it once a week.

I think it is a sin to be vegetarian in South Africa. Meats and wines are their expertise and thus my favorite. I'm not a big fan of wines but on places like this I make exceptions. Their red and white wines are soo good, those who doesn't eat meat, eat meat. And those who doesn't drink wine, drinks wine. I am not only talking about myself but also goes with my colleagues as well.

Snails for appetizer anyone?

My Gay friend told me, if I am straight and you continue to eat like that, I wont introduce you to my mother.HAHA

Beef ribs is my favorite

Fourth I went for horseback riding Safari! I have been to Johannesburg many times and I brought my mom here already. I thought we have done everything here from petting a baby lion, feeding giraffes, riding 4x4's for a safari and going to Sun City. But nothing beats riding horses for 2 and a half hours into the wild . It was the best experience I have ever had and I don't mind doing it again.

Next time when I come back here I would love to do river rafting, play golf and go mountain biking into the wild.

Now I am returning back to Abu Dhabi with a big smile on my face. Life is truly beautiful if we only know how to enjoy what is already in front of us.
Sure we all have challenges that we have to deal with (the only ones who don't are dead according to Robin Sharma) but happiness is all about gaining a sense of proportion and perspective. We all have many blessings in our lives that we can easily miss like the people who loves us or work that gives meaning into our lives or even the simple gifts of enjoying the food in our table.
Sure it is important to focus on excellence in our career and have splendid success however we define it but life is too short for us not to enjoy the ride, to laugh and have fun, experience adventure and not missing out on perfect moments that are mostly free if we only make the time to look for them.