Friday, May 10, 2013


If you will ask me before which among our Etihad flights is my favorite that I enjoy going back again and again I would say New York. Every month a New York flight is always on my request list. The place is just so beautiful, I never ran out of things to do, things to buy, good food to eat, I love the people and there is always something new recreation or activity coming up in all the 4 seasons both for the young and the “young” at heart.

Whenever I fall in love with a city, I always say I wish I could experience living here for 3 months. Why only 3 months? Because I know myself, I am used to going in and out of a country. Not that I “have to” but I “choose to” (Big difference). I believe that we live life not by chance but by choice. I will always need something somewhere like lets say my hometown “manila”?

Among our US flights and the other state I have been to here are my rankings that I never get tired of going even every month

1.     New York (Etihad Flight)
2.     LA
3.     Las Vegas
4.     Florida
5.     Chicago(Etihad Flight)
6.     San Antonio and Dallas Texas

But Washington has always been part of my bucket list. I have always wanted to see the White House, fortunately Etihad just recently opened daily flight there. 

Oh the joy of being able to see my dream “the White House”. Please cross that it in my bucket list because I have already been there. (Dreams do really come true)

I am surprised about Washington, now it’s my favorite city. If you ask me now my favorite City and 1 is being the highest its;

1.     Washington (Etihad Flight)
2.     New York (Etihad Flight)
3.     Las Vegas
4.     Florida
5.     Chicago (Etihad Flight)
6.     San Antonio and Dallas Texas

  I believe I came at the right time as well which is spring (I went there last month, April 2013) the start of The National Cherry Blossom, which brightens the surrounding area more and makes their parks pleasing to the eye. Weather was cool and fresh (just like having air condition in the streets but smells like fresh flowers) so many trees, people are so nice and polite EVERYWHERE. I love the buildings and the way they conduct their tours, we can even go by bike! They even have a bike lane everywhere. Malls are big and beautiful as usual. The Hotel we currently stay in is Hilton, it’s beautiful and clean (no little hairs everywhere haha) plus the staffs are friendly and accommodating. (not that I don’t love our hotel in New York, the staffs are amazing too but the rooms are just “less clean” but I don’t mind nonetheless because I love New York). Outlet malls are just near as well.

What did I do for 24 hours in Washington?

I had an amazing crew with me.. All fun =D

I checked out the mall and had Mexican food with my colleagues. (Mexican Food is so good in the states)

Went to see the White House and Lincoln museum. A lot more to see! All of their museums are free. I would love to see the space museum next time and all the other the hip places that my passengers in business class suggested to go but didn’t have the time to in one go. I’ll definitely tour by bike next time to make use of their bike lane. 

Well there is always next month. Keep you updated soon! Hope you will enjoy the pics!

Why so Grumpy this Cute dog in Mohawk hair =D
Yes i would love to have you for dinner DUCK hehe

People are so friendly in Washington. They want to give me their baby dogs awww

1 comment:

  1. perfect! ;-) nxt time, i'll go w u, pwde ba yun??? hehehe

    the place is really nice! ;-)
