Monday, January 27, 2014

My Point On Being Genius

I used to believe that people who are genius like the Tiger Woods or the Steve Jobs or the Oprah Winfrey are somewhat cut from different cloths because this is what society has sold us. We put these people on a pedestal and say I can never be a master, I was not born into genius like a Coco Chanel of fashion industry.  And this is what most of the people believe as well

I was reading an article yesterday in the psychological review about Anders Ericsson the prominent researcher on the field of genius. So this is hard core science. Not just some motivational write up.

He dismissed the old myth "that genius is actually the result of genetics". It is not true.

Because Genius is not about genetics but more of the people who made daily practice, sacrifice, devotion, deep study and focused on being brilliant only on just one thing for 10 years. Mozart didn't become Mozart only after 10 years. Oprah Winfrey didn't try to be great in the piano. She focused only on just one which is hosting because  The secret to Mastery is simplicity 

We all want to be iconic or legendary at something, have the discipline to pick up one skill and practice consistently, obsess on it and learn more about that craft more than everyone else in the world.... until the point of genius.

Because the secret of being Genius is always practice and focus even if there are times you don't feel like it.

So this 2014, let's start being really really focused on being brilliant on just a few things and have the guts to say no everything else.

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