Tuesday, February 11, 2014



        How many of you are CLANNISH? If some of you are unfamiliar with the word, according to thesaurus it means unfriendly or unwelcoming who are outside your group. I can be clannish at times. Sometimes I can only be kind and helpful to people I like or I adore which may be normal for so many people I am sure. 

          I was in the training academy the other day, and one of my colleagues at work asked me if I have spare change for a cup of coffee because she forgot her money in the classroom. I said I don't have even though I have money in my wallet. I refused to give her simply because I do not know her.

         But after a few hours back in my training class, I was already feeling unwell. And I asked my instructor if she has medicine for fever since I was so not feeling well. Suddenly a lady barged in and suddenly said, "I have a medicine, here take it," and she was so eager to give it to me. When I looked over my shoulder it was the same lady I refused to give spare change for coffee in the canteen just for the reason that I do not know her.

       I felt so GUILTY because this lady whom I considered a "stranger" and became selfish with was actually the one who did me good and didn't ask anything in return, just for the reason of her having a generous heart.

      Who are we really supposed to be kind to? Should we really just limit ourselves with our friends and family alone? or cut the borders and be kind to all mankind?

     It is like GOD just showed me the answer.  

1 comment:

  1. Love it Jen, there's lessons in life to learn everyday, and in all circumstances....Tita Mhargz!
