Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Do you know that according to research

    - 25 percent of the people you meet won't like you and never will.
    - The other 25 percent of people you meet won't like you but can be persuaded to 
        like you
    - Another 25 percent will like you but can be persuaded to NOT.
    - Then the last 25 percent you meet will like you and stand by you no matter what. 

This is a good guide for people pleasers out there. And I am no exception to it. Who doesn't want to be liked? I am sure we all do. As all humans are built to be liked and loved. But this research tells us that we will encounter people that falls into each of these categories. The challenge would be to stop trying so hard to be liked because at the end of the day it will just frustrate you especially if the person your trying to impress is part of the 1st 25 percent that you meet that won't like you and never will.

Be still and know because if the person really likes you will always stand by you no matter what. We only have so much emotional energy each day, don't waste it on things that don't matter.

I was having coffee the other day with a friend. He mentioned to me how much he failed taking care of someone else's money. The way he was coping with stress is by blocking all the negative people in his life, the people that can say bad things against him and to start fresh. Even his partner in his business turned their back on him. I feel sorry for him and I know that I am part of the last 25 percent of people he meets that will stand by him no matter what.

His business partner clearly is part of the 3rd 25 percent that likes him but can be persuaded to NOT. So I salute him for making the right decision in blocking all the negative noise around him because he has all the right to not allow everything and everyone to come in his life. Guard your heart because nobody else can do that for you.

If the conversations your having with your friends or family are no longer positive, hopeful, productive, faith filled then have the courage to stop them and not dwell on it otherwise you will just go around in circles. You can't live and expect a positive life thinking negative thoughts because we do become our conversations.

Always guard your heart, build up walls, stay in peace because we make good decisions when we are in peace.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Do you know that the 100 happy days challenge is fun but not easy? I was flying (which means working) for 4 days straight, day and night with minimum time for myself in between those flights, but not forgetting the commitment that I had with myself to complete the 100 Happy Day challenge. Which means I shouldn't forget taking pictures of what is making me smile each and everyday.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the challenge, but the tricky part is to find that "ONE" special moment that makes you smile even on an ordinary day. So what I am trying to say is, in those 4 days of tiring but beautiful hours of work that even when I am already crawling to my bed hungry for sleep, I have to stop and pause… 

and say to myself WAITTTTTTT…I haven't took a picture of what is making me happy today. Then the creative thinking starts. Even when I was so hungry and dying to eat because I was also detoxing in one of those 4 days of work, I have to pause and take a picture of the food or the drink I am eating because it is making me smile and it is already my DAY 12.. :)

But you know what I have realized? (which is my favorite sentence because self awareness is very important)

         "Short term pain creates long term pleasure"

I arrived this morning from my flight with no sleep and have 4 days of freedom (meaning 4 days off) in front of me and realize that the only plan I have today was to have my flat cleaned by a cleaner of which he is not available, so I guess I am stuck with the chore to myself.

What is so fun about that? I particularly don't enjoy cleaning my own mess that is why I leverage and let someone else do it for me, so I can do something well worth my time.  

But I've realized (which I am saying this again because self awareness is a favorite line of mine) that IN LIFE we will experience 2 different kinds of PAIN.
              One is THE PAIN OF DISCIPLINE
             Second is THE PAIN OF REGRET


Let me explain this further.

Mopping and cleaning in particular creates short term pain because I don't enjoy it. I am tired from work, the last thing I wanted to do is to clean even though its already "jungle" out here.

I'd rather go out into the world and enjoy my time with friends, eat great food, drink beer or whatever we like to do to unwind. The last thing I wanted to do, which I am sure it goes for everyone as well is to clean thy room.

But this short term pain only leads to long term pleasure.

Do you know the saying that a cluttered room or office space is a reflection of ones mind? Well, that goes for my room, so I don't want people to think of me as having a "dirty mind" because I have a "dirty room" you get what I mean?!

So I delayed the instant gratification by setting a time to clean the room today which brings me long term pleasure because who doesn't enjoy sleeping in a clean room that can last for a week?

This is what I mean by the PAIN OF DISCIPLINE. Delaying the instant gratification for long term pleasure. For example Leaving a relationship because it is already destructive in the long term, saying NO to that chocolate cake at the moment because you are trying to lose weight, enduring the pain of not smoking when stressed in exchange for that long term health benefits etc…

While on the other hand, THE PAIN OF REGRET covers the pain by rewarding thyself of instant gratification which makes me realize (another realization right there) that

       "Short term PLEASURE creates long term PAIN"

I may have chosen (as a simple example) to not have cleaned my room today and just enjoy my time with friends for a few hours and end up coming home sleeping in "jungle room" for the whole night.
To spend so much money at the moment and wonder why am I broke at the end of the month? To say YES with eating every chocolate CAKE you encounter and wonder why am I not losing any weight?
To enjoy the short term gratification of complaining every moment you got and wonder why I don't have any friends left?! Do you see what I mean?

UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE always falls into the trap of THE PAIN OF REGRET.         

Every moment and every decision we make with our TIME always lead to something GREAT or something Mediocre. And this long explanation of mine led me with the decision today to just MOP MY OWN MESS….#100 HAPPY DAYS DAY 13

Saturday, March 1, 2014

100 Happy Days

Isn't it amazing to think that we can be happy for 100 days straight? Without the roller coaster feeling of Happy Sad Happy. I was browsing my instagram newsfeed one morning and there was this one celebrity, posting a picture with a caption #100HappyDays. I was wondering what it was and I just assumed it was probably some guy who promised her that he will make her happy for 100 days straight.

Anyway I totally forgot about it, when my bestfriend sent me a link about and asked me to read the mechanics and to join the 100 happy day challenge with her.

I didn't know that it was a challenge for yourself, that if you finish it for 100 happy days people claimed to: 

  • start noticing what makes them happy
  • Be in a better mood everyday
  • start receiving more compliments from people 
  • Realize how lucky they are to have the life they have
  • Become more optimistic etc
 According to the site you can receive a little 100 page book with your 100 happy days. For me, I don't really care about the book that I will receive from that site, I care about what the challenge would bring for me. I believe its a pretty healthy habit to count the good things in our days in a form of pictures. 

Believe it or not I've been doing this every morning for the past 2 years already and I list down 10 things I am grateful for the day. It just trains my mind to see the big and the little blessings of life. How brilliant can this 100 happy day idea, to make a challenge in a form of pictures that makes it more lively, exciting and real each and everyday, because most of us works well with visuals (pictures) rather than text. 

I've been in a reflective mood today and I would like to share to you my sentiments. This is what happens when you get a day of free time.One of the commitments that I have set for myself regarding the remaining days of my life
(like this long running soap opera in the states) is to insist on bringing the experiences that I want without waver. Because how many of us don't plan our days and just leave it to chance. If I don't like the experience an event or a relationship will bring, I dismiss it. I do something else. Why force something that will not make you happy?

 I want to reach my old age where I can write about an autobiography of my life of how exciting the journey has been, not how boring or how neutral my days has been or how I compromised that resulted in mediocre days. I believe everyday counts and everyday should bring a smile on our faces only if we just really persist on finding "something" to make us smile. It can be a just a simple but delicious ice coffee that we had during one of our meetings at work on a busy day. No matter how small or big things are, I think joining this 100 happy day challenge is a good training for our minds to be conscious that happiness comes in big and small packages each and everyday. 

I am excited to plan my days now because I wanted to put something fun on my 100 happy day challenge. I really put an effort each and everyday to find something to be happy about.

For some of you who like to join the challenge visit

Tuesday, February 11, 2014



        How many of you are CLANNISH? If some of you are unfamiliar with the word, according to thesaurus it means unfriendly or unwelcoming who are outside your group. I can be clannish at times. Sometimes I can only be kind and helpful to people I like or I adore which may be normal for so many people I am sure. 

          I was in the training academy the other day, and one of my colleagues at work asked me if I have spare change for a cup of coffee because she forgot her money in the classroom. I said I don't have even though I have money in my wallet. I refused to give her simply because I do not know her.

         But after a few hours back in my training class, I was already feeling unwell. And I asked my instructor if she has medicine for fever since I was so not feeling well. Suddenly a lady barged in and suddenly said, "I have a medicine, here take it," and she was so eager to give it to me. When I looked over my shoulder it was the same lady I refused to give spare change for coffee in the canteen just for the reason that I do not know her.

       I felt so GUILTY because this lady whom I considered a "stranger" and became selfish with was actually the one who did me good and didn't ask anything in return, just for the reason of her having a generous heart.

      Who are we really supposed to be kind to? Should we really just limit ourselves with our friends and family alone? or cut the borders and be kind to all mankind?

     It is like GOD just showed me the answer.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

My Point On Being Genius

I used to believe that people who are genius like the Tiger Woods or the Steve Jobs or the Oprah Winfrey are somewhat cut from different cloths because this is what society has sold us. We put these people on a pedestal and say I can never be a master, I was not born into genius like a Coco Chanel of fashion industry.  And this is what most of the people believe as well

I was reading an article yesterday in the psychological review about Anders Ericsson the prominent researcher on the field of genius. So this is hard core science. Not just some motivational write up.

He dismissed the old myth "that genius is actually the result of genetics". It is not true.

Because Genius is not about genetics but more of the people who made daily practice, sacrifice, devotion, deep study and focused on being brilliant only on just one thing for 10 years. Mozart didn't become Mozart only after 10 years. Oprah Winfrey didn't try to be great in the piano. She focused only on just one which is hosting because  The secret to Mastery is simplicity 

We all want to be iconic or legendary at something, have the discipline to pick up one skill and practice consistently, obsess on it and learn more about that craft more than everyone else in the world.... until the point of genius.

Because the secret of being Genius is always practice and focus even if there are times you don't feel like it.

So this 2014, let's start being really really focused on being brilliant on just a few things and have the guts to say no everything else.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Life is Short, Stay Awake for it

I just saw this ad of Carrebou coffee and I find it so catchy. "LIFE IS SHORT, STAY AWAKE FOR IT". This reminds me of the importance of living life full out. But how can we live life full out when we have low energy? I believe ENERGY is one of the key ingredients of living a full life. If you don't have so much energy within you, you won't be at your best, you won't stay positive and you won't even have the energy to reach all your goals in life.

Speaking of energy, it always reminds me of my friend MEHDI who recently passed away. Whenever I hear his name, it always reminds me of ENERGY. He is the type of person who is always full of energy, full of life. He cannot sit around in one corner and do nothing. He works in Etihad like me but as Cabin Manager. 

Whenever he goes on a layover, he always do something adventurous. Like his trip to Kathmandu, I remember him telling me this, going out early morning, taking the risky BUDDHA AIRPLANE to the Himalayas with the crew. Why am I saying risky BUDDHA AIR? Because it is a small aircraft that goes to the HIMALAYAS for a tour and a lot of aircraft accidents happen in that company.

Risky for people who are not so RISK TAKERS like me. But for MEHDI who lives life full out, he still went and took risk and was able to see the beautiful scenery of the HIMALAYAS.

I don't know what got into him but he suddenly got into sports all of a sudden. He just told me that he is going to be a triathlete so he can convert his energy to something more productive. He formed a group here in ABU DHABI called LE TRI TUKO. He became a living example and role model to people from chubby to being extremely fit because of his sport.

I used to go out for coffee or lunch with him every now and then, and have met his beautiful wife. I enjoy our usual conversations about our "big plans" in life because we are both "dreamers" in our fields. Whenever I see him, he always asks me the same question when am I going to buy a bike to join their group? I was about to buy a bike when the sad news came that he got ran out by a 4x4 car while he was on bike training. More than a week in coma and he died.  

Pictures, stories about him and fond memories of my friend MEHDI flooded my Facebook newsfeed. He touched so many people's lives because of his positivity and kindness. I guess this never goes out of style.

             "Adore your loved ones, you'll miss them when they are gone".

Written by one of the members of LE TRI TUKO

Why I am saying this? Because the story of my friend MEHDI reminds me of 


Experience what you need to experience NOW because you never know what tomorrow brings. 

But for me, I don't want to say life is short, because I want me and my family and friends to live a long life possibly till 100 y/o. 

So let me edit this CARREBOU AD by NOT saying LIFE IS SHORT because it 

brings a negative connotation to it, but rather 



Monday, December 9, 2013

My Way of Personal Renewal and Regeneration

How do you recover from stress?

Let me give you some signs of it.

Are you always irritable?
Feeling tense all the time?
Feeling overloaded with work?
Constantly busy but never seems to catch up?
Have you lost your creative flow?
Is the quality of your work suffering?

Stress is normal, its part of life.
Being tired from a hectic day at work is also normal.

But we need periods of recovery and personal regeneration. We need to recover from stress. That is why what we do on our free time can make or break you in my opinion. 

Planning ahead our activities and living in your own terms is a must. Let me give you a short glimpse about myself. 

I used to be a people pleaser and a YES girl.
I always say yes to every invites from friends/family and overload my free days with activities that leaves me feeling more tired on my off days which in turn affects my productivity at work, leaves me achieving nothing at the end of the day (missing out on more important things to do), affects my health (always feeling tired) and even happiness because being a people pleaser makes you live on other people's terms and not yours.

I was just living my days not really enjoying it.

But I have learned ways to gain more energy and peace that lives me feeling more refreshed after my free time. Let me share them with you.

1. Have those silent moments of solitude

- We live in a world, where everything around us can be noisy and full of distractions. We are over stimulated by technology (cellphones, computers, television,ipad etc) and by people around us that we do not have time to think and reflect on what we want to happen in the coming days, weeks, months and even years.

In my opinion self reflection is very important. Time slips like grains of sands that sometimes not having enough time for solitude and self reflection makes us easily slip things through on the most important things in our lives. (It could be our family and relationships, our health, our careers or even our wealth depends on what's more important to us).

Sometimes too much exposure to people can be energy draining. 

Having time for self reflection in solitude makes us rate where we are right now and where we want to be.

2. Meditation

-Meditation for me stills the mind from having monkey thoughts. We all think millions of thoughts each minute, jumping from one thought to another. Emptying the mind by being still and focused is something that needs to be trained.  I want to be a master of my thoughts that is why meditation is something i am really working on right now.

I am still on guided meditation. But hopefully in the near future, I would find it enticing to do it on my own.

3. Communing with Nature every week

- I went to Jeddah the other day, for those of you doesn't know Jeddah, it is part of Saudi where the   Mecca is. A lot of Muslim people go there for prayers. It's like going to The Vatican in Rome for Christians.

I had an interesting chat with one of my arab passengers in business class and she said, "you know Jenny I practice and believe in the Law of Attraction. One of my doctor friends told me that it is healthy to swim at least once a month by the beach in the natural salt water because it removes the negative energies in our bodies".  I took her advise well and is enjoying my monthly, or if I have more free time even weekly swim by the beach.

But even if you don't have the luxury of going to the beach because there is no beach near you, a simple walk to the park with the trees and the grass brings natural therapeutic effect. It makes us think clearly and gives our bodies natural oxygen (because we are always in an airconditioned room) and sunlight for vitamin D which fights cancer and is a natural anti depressant.

There is something about nature that calms us and makes us more reflective.

4. Have time for some mini vacations and fun

- I went to Yas Waterworld the other day. For some of you who is not from Abu dhabi, Yas waterworld is a water park built in Yas island Abu dhabi.

A beautiful and fun place to spend time with friends or your family.  I had so much fun and laughter. It's a good place to de stress and be childlike again. I love the feeling because children live in the moment. They don't think about the past and definitely doesn't think about any future. They have no social masks to worry about as well. They just live purely in the moment.

If you watch and hear their conversations, no work, no assignments, no gossips, no money nor any lovelife problems, only fun stuffs that they can do with their toys.

It is so nice to have that kind of fun with your friends or family once in a while that even when we are already adults we can still have that childlike activities without the usual conversations of an adult. Just pure playful fun.

5. Do activities different from your work

- how many of us do the same activities, surrounded by the same group of people each and every day.

We all need our own space to breath in my opinion. Honing our other skills besides the skills that we usually do at work is refreshing. People always enjoy variety because it gives us a kind of energy that when we go back to work it gives us a different kind of perspective from what we usually do.

I believe it makes us more effective at work too because it makes us more creative and inspire others as well.


- Thank God I love to exercise. It is always part of my renewal. I love to use the bicycle in the gym and exercise for 1 hour with my favorite book. It relaxes my body and my mind. Sometimes I even drink coffee while in the gym. If I feel like combining nature with exercise, then that's the time I play golf. I just enjoy it and I feel really good afterwards. That is just my way of exercise and feeling good, but what is yours?

Give time for your body the regeneration it needs and feel the difference it does in your life. It will boost your energy, calms you, makes you healthier, happier and get more things done. Having periods of regeneration and renewal don't TAKE time, they actually ADD time in your life.